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The Insatiable Demand for More

A phrase that evokes thought is "The insatiable demand for more." Who heard of anyone happy, someone who wouldn’t be satisfied, who always had to have more and more; more thrills, more indulgence, more power, more possessions?

Some overindulge by trying to satisfy appetites that remain unsatisfied. Some make demands, and when they get fulfilled, they make more demands.

Some communities want more and more, more size, more reaching for a comparative place, and in the process, complicate their problems. People are willing to sacrifice their reputation, relationship, honour, and dignity. They even go as far as hurting their family members for not fulfilling their promises, sticking to their agreements, and keeping their words to fill their hunger for more and more. Simply put, we can call it ‘greed’.

The comparative and competitive spirit often seeps in and insists that the record must always be up; when applied for a good purpose is good, but when it is never satisfied is no more than the insatiable demand for more. Even when there are more comforts and conveniences than kings could once have had, there are still demands for more.

Perhaps it all comes down to a balance of contentment, purpose and peace. Combine this with the discontent to keep us learning, moving, reaching and producing; without forgetting to have a purpose.

As the saying by Daniel Defoe goes: "All good things of this world are no further good to us then as they are of use, and whatever we may heap up to give to others, we enjoy only as much as we can use and no more."

Human wants are insatiable and are a part of what makes progress possible, but if we drink without quenching our thirst and if we run without knowing why we run, we merely pursue the insatiable demand for more.

We often want more than what we have now: more money, more gadgets, better furniture, a better house, a better car, more clothes, more shoes and more success. It's impossible to satisfy that hunger for more because our culture is not satisfied with what we have. It's consumerism, and it's the official religion of the industrialized world.

When thinking about the concept of enough and how it applies to your life: what are the main things that make you happy? Are they material things, or are they people or activities? Knowing the answer to this question can give insight into what material things you need beyond the bare necessities to be happy.

In all our rushing, striving, and struggling, we are granted gratitude, balance and judgement, a solid sense of values, inner peace and an honest appraisal of our purpose.

Tagged in : Contentment, power, Possessions, Satisfaction,