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Marriage of the Brain and Heart

Young adulthood is said to be a perplexing period in a person's life. But it's only when we're faced with making our own decisions that we grasp the profundity of these statements. The move from high school to college may not be easy, and it will not be as spectacular as a Bollywood movies make it out to be.

 The point is, moving out of an environment and a system that is almost clenching you by the throat and controlling your path and choices in high school, to an atmosphere that gives you way more freedom to explore can be a tad bit overwhelming in college. All of a sudden, no path is already paved for us. There are fewer expectations to be fulfilled from a societal perspective now that we are on course to obtaining a degree. Great! We have all wanted this; the freedom to explore countless options.

Why is it that some of us can't just sit back and enjoy our freedom when it comes our way? These options might range from joining one of the many clubs and student organisations available at college to questioning whether or not they've selected the right course. While placing all of one's eggs in one basket would be excessive, doing nothing at all would make one feel inept. This begs an important question: Where did we go wrong?

A system that determines most of our decisions for us has shaped our lives. Whether it's our parents enrolling us in numerous extracurricular activities at a young age or the educational system diverting all of our time and energy towards competitive examinations, we've all experienced it.  Ultimately breaking free from these shackles may present one with a plethora of options, putting us in an uncomfortable position of deciding whether to go for it all or sit back and relax.

Though the simple solution to this confusion would be to go where the wind takes you and listen to what your soul has to say, let’s face it, it’s way easier said than done. It is also true that there is an emerging peer pressure among Gen-Z and Millennials to follow your heart's desire that is often bluntly misleading.

 In such confusing times, the story of Amish Tripathi, the author of the famous Shiva Trilogy, can be of good help. When asked about choosing between his career in banking and his passion for writing, he replied that his decisions were driven by his brain and heart. The money he was earning from selling books was more than what he earned from finance, Tripathi said. In hindsight, this idea seems so straightforward!

However, it finally comes down to how we individually equip ourselves to make the right choice when the opportunity arises.

Tagged in : #brain, #life, #choice, #heart, #decision, #crossroads,